Thursday 16 March 2017

A day for Raptors!

I drove to uni yesterday.  It was such a nice day, and I didn't want to have to wait for the bus.  I got back around three, so headed up the hill for a bit with my camera.  Almost as soon as I arrived I saw a Goshawk above the trees.  It wasn't in sight for long and I was unable to get a photo, but it always pleases me to see one of these shy birds.  I took a few photos of the badger setts, then parked myself under a tree in the sunshine.  Quite a few Red Kites were circling and then what I initially thought were two Goshawks!  With excitement, I snapped a few photos through the branches of the tree.  Only then to realise they were in fact two very pale buzzards.  The combination of the tree and my over excitedness didn't make for very good photos anyway!

Pale Buzzard

Red Kite

I'm sure my photography skills are actually getting worse!  I take what looks like a great photo, only to find when I get it on my laptop at home, that the focus is all over the place! Anyway, shortly after I saw a small falcon being chased off by a crow.  It could only have been a Kestrel, because of the habitat, but I couldn't make out the colours or markings, just the unmistakable outline.  Again no photo, but a total of four different birds of prey in just an hour!  I did manage to get a couple of nice shots of spring, however and I'll leave you with those!

Hazel Catkins

Blackthorn Blossom

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