Thursday 23 February 2017


Well since being laid up last week, I've been really busy!  Saturday we had to go to Welshpool to pick up OH's car from the garage. We had to leave early so we thought we'd make a day of it and headed onto the old Iron Age fort at Oswestry.  Nice for a walk round if you're in the area.  I believe it's the biggest of it's kind in the UK. Then we walked the woods at Rodney's Pillar.  That's also a cracking walk.  I didn't make it to the top this time, as I'm still very tired, but it was a good walk all the same.

On Sunday OH went climbing with the boys, and I had a wander on the land we are looking at to check the fencing.  There's quite a large section there that will need replacing.  I had the pleasure of spotting a woodcock and a gorgeous big hare, but sadly no photos!  That reminds me, in the morning I was sat just outside the door with a cup of coffee, and a sparrowhawk flew through the yard, just inches from the floor, and just feet from me!  Again no photo, but an image I will retain for sometime anyway!  Later that afternoon I took my eldest daughter for a drive.  She's had four professional lessons so far and is doing well.  She tackled some quite tricky stuff around the lake at Clywedog and in the Hafren Forest.  It wasn't as scary as I thought it might have been!

On Monday I had a field trip with Uni, to study some woodland.  We did a biodiversity study on higher plants, and looked at the regeneration of the part of the woodland that had once been planted with conifers.  It's all very interesting and hopefully will be put to good use for myself one day!

Tuesday was Practical Estate Skills, and green woodworking again.  I'm not going to produce any photos yet.  I'm going to wait until the gates are installed in our footpath project, which we will be starting next week.  Can't wait to get on with it and see everything in place!

Yesterday, the weather was appalling, we've had so much rain the rivers are fit to burst.  I drove into Uni, as I had an appointment yesterday afternoon, and the road to Aberystywth was a nightmare by the time I came home.  Luckily I had four lectures, so wasn't outside much!  Anyway, after uni, I went to visit someone who used to keep Tamworth pigs for bracken clearance.  She has 15 acres of woodland that was swamped by 8ft bracken!  The pigs have done an amazing job, and so has she, replanting over 6,000 trees!  Hopefully she will be a useful contact for us in the future.

So today, we have storm Doris.  My OH decided it was the best time to be in the mountains, and has headed to Cadair Idris!  I'm sure he has a bloody screw lose.  86mph winds and heavy snow?  Complete nutjob!!  I have stayed at home, as I'm the sensible one.  I have a new assignment to get on with; a report on the woodland we surveyed on Monday.

I also got my first semester results today, and I'm happy to say I've got through with a 1:1, so couldn't be happier.  Let's just hope I can keep it up, with everything else that's going on!

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