Saturday 25 February 2017

Rain, rain, rain and books!

I'm very frustrated at the weather currently,  I wanted to do a plant survey on the hill.  I also have an overwhelming urge to get out wild camping.  That's not going to happen right now, with gale force winds and torrential rain.  So I've been working on my woodland assignment for Uni.  That's frustrating me too, not the assignment, but the fact that a book I'd really like for both uni work and personal interest is so bloody expensive.  I guess it's because so much work goes into these scientific works, but still, an old book, many years out of date, second hand, still costs a fortune!  We have a great library at the uni, but sometimes you just want them on your own bookshelf.  I love books. I had a Kindle for a while, and they certainly have their place, but you just can't beat an actual book!

Oh and another thing!  I spent ages the other day, trawling through Blogger, trying to find blogs to follow.  Finding a current, active blog, with similar topics and interests as me, is nigh impossible!  So, if you drop by, and you think I may like your blog, please drop me a comment, and I will pop over and take a look.  Thank you :)

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