Tuesday 3 January 2017

Flat Earth

So I've spent the last week or so following discussions on Flat Earth. It seems to be the in thing to believe in these days.  I am an open minded, kind hearted, non religious person, who loves to learn and is fascinated by how everything works. I do not own a TV, or trust the mainstream media.  Neither do I trust our government to have our best interests at heart.  I question everything.  So if the earth is flat, I'd be keen to learn about it.

I've spent hours watching YouTube videos, which apparently have 'woken people up', only to be fed blatant lies!  I got barely five minutes in to a two hour video, claiming to prove the world was flat, before I had been fed fact after fact, that with a small amount of brain power, can be proven false. The facts even contradict themselves!

 I was thrown out of a group for asking that God not be used as proof of flatearth. Religion is not fact, it is a system of belief. Believe what you want, it makes no odds to me, but a belief is not proof of anything. If the earth is flat, regardless of its origin, it should be proveable without resorting to quoting the bible as evidence.  Even that in itself doesn't hold up, considering there are so many different versions, each an individuals interpretation of what was originally written.

Ive been insulted and personally attacked, which to me is a  sure sign that the arguement has been lost and they have nothing constructive to say. So, for now, I've removed myself from these discussions. But it will continue to fascinate me, and I will undoubtedly write about it again!

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