Sunday 29 January 2017

Just a starling!

I've been inspired to write a post about our very over-looked starling.  They are thought of as just a boring, common bird.  And to be honest, we rarely actually get the chance to look at them properly.  But our dear common starling (Sturnus vulgaris) is in decline.  Hard to imagine when you are stood at Aberystwyth pier, watching them come in to roost in their thousands, but it is now considered a red list species!  Long term monitoring by the British Trust for Ornithology (BTO) has shown a 66% decline since the 1970's!  The reason for the decline is unknown, but now has placed the boring old starling as a species of high conservation concern.

Before you write off the starling as unimpressive, take a look at these; (not my photos, just ones I have found on the net!)

Starlings are actually stunning!  They are one of the our most colourful birds. It's raining today, and there is lots of starlings about in the fields, along with redwing and fieldfare, sadly not the weather for it. But next time it's a sunny day, and you're out and about and you see starlings,  just take a minute, see if you can catch their colours in the sunshine.  They will take your breath away, I promise!

1 comment:

  1. Certainly a colourful bird, very intelligent and a wonderful mimic. Over the years I have heard wolf whistles, car horns, telephones and door bell sounds all from this delightful bird. I rarely see them around my house now.
